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One day we have decided we would change for good

When we have seen that the spirit and the body can meet, we have turned our idea of beauty into reality. Our life has changed ever since that day. And to some extent, many other people’s lives have been changed, too.

When seen against the backdrop of our lives, our distress is neither right nor wrong. It is there to show that change is possible.
Exercise at different levels of intensity is in any case a fundamental prerequisite for change.
Nothing happens without a purpose. Change usually comes bearing gifts.
Let’s break away from our old education patterns, the patterns we have been brought up with - we will realize that living differently is just another way of life.
You can pretend that everything’s fine the way it is. Or you can learn to change.
Help your body find the animal courage to be truly and wholly itself.
The soul is what enables life to become animated through being. But we are just one of the innumerable dimensions through which the soul takes shape.
This change is based on meeting with people who decide to break some of the ties that encumber their lives, in the awareness that the time has come for them to break free from the usual thinking patterns they have used to process reality. Reality changes and it is bound to change at a much faster rate in the future.

Continuity gives us roots, change gives us branches. In nature the species that survives is the one that is most adaptable to change.

The need for renewal is inherent in the human soul. If this had not been the case, the history of humanity would not have been punctuated by constant improvements, growth and evolution. The human species is the result of a constant, massive mutation in a physical structure, in a mindset, an environment, and in social, political and emotional conditions. Stemming the tide of change is an impossibile endeavour.

Based on this thinking, a group of highly motivated people have decided to work together to turn their beliefs into reality and give shape to a new idea of well-being. The members of this team work with enthusiasm in such fields as training and education, cosmetics, management and logistics. Drawing on their different backgrounds, they have decided to bring their ideal to life. These people are infused with tremendous dynamism, an essential aid for those challanging, but exciting endeavours characterized by a constant effort to innovate and create something new. They have brought an air of novelty into the world of beauty, which is often reluctant to change. This wave of change has produced a method and a range of innovative products with body-soothing textures and fragrances that will touch your soul. The novelty lies in the interaction between different worlds, between chemists and cosmetologists, teachers and masseurs. The aim is to meet the expectations of a professionally prepared and highly demanding clientèle. You can unmistakenly perceive satisfaction in the air.